Ashley Biden's introduction of her father at DNC as the "OG girl dad" and one of the most "consequential" leaders in history

Ashley Biden's introduction of her father at DNC as the "OG girl dad" and one of the most "consequential" leaders in history

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Ashley Biden, the 43-year-old daughter of President Joe Biden, who usually stays out of the public eye, introduced her father on Monday night at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago. This marked one of President Biden's final and most significant speeches during his time as president and public servant.

As a social worker from Philadelphia,Ashley Biden provided a personal glimpse into her father's life, portraying him not only as one of the "most consequential leaders in history" but also as the "OG girl dad."

"He told me I could be anything and do anything," she shared.Ashley further described her father's respect for women, noting, "He wasn’t just a girl dad. I saw how he valued and trusted women—how he listened to his mother,believed in his sister, and, most importantly, respected my mother’s career. Dad was always there, doing everything he could to be a true partner to her. Dad, you always tell us, but we don't tell you enough—you are the love of our lives and the life of our love."

Ashley also shared a touching memory from her childhood, recalling how her father, then a U.S. senator, took the Amtrak train from Washington, D.C., to Delaware on her eighth birthday just to hug her and share in the joy of her birthday cake.

She reminisced about her wedding reception, held in her parents' backyard over a decade ago when her father was vice president. "And by the way, he was very emotional," she added. "I thought I would be a mess, but he was the one crying, and I had to comfort him."

"All these years later," she said, "Dad, you are still my best friend."

Reflecting on the loss of her brother, Beau Biden, to brain cancer in 2015, Ashley spoke of the profound pain their family endured. President Biden has often expressed that it should be Beau, not him, in the Oval Office. "Dad had the capacity to step out of his own pain and absorb ours," she said. "And I know Beau is with us tonight, as he is always with us."

President Biden has endured the loss of two of his four children, following thetragic accident in 1972 that claimed the lives of his first wife and daughter, in which Beau and Hunter were also severely injured.

Ashley Biden made an emotional plea to the audience, urging them to rally behind her father. "So tonight, I’m asking you, if you stood with us in 2020, call upon your courageous heart. Stand with us today. Work harder than you have ever worked before in your life. This is the fight of our lifetime."

After her heartfelt speech, the president was visibly moved, dabbing at his eyes, and praised her as "incredible."

Ashley Biden has been a consistent presence during her brother Hunter's trial earlier this year in Wilmington, Delaware, where he faced federal gun charges. Hunter Biden, who was convicted in June, made an appearance at the end of President Biden's speech with his children.

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